Brightspace Docent

How do I enroll a Dummy student in a course?

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A Dummy student is created for the Institute by Functional Management-Brightspace at the request of the Key-User. Such an account is used by the Course Administrator and Teacher during development to test whether devised routines work as desired. A maximum of three dummy accounts are created per Institute. The account can only be used from a course for which it has been registered by the Key-user/ ICTO coach.

The account cannot be used to test communication routines (like discussion, email, chat), has no access to group lists.

Open the course.

Homepage - Teacher Instruction (EN) en nog 6 andere pagina's - Persoonlijk - Microsoft​ Edge
  • Navigate to Classlist in the navbar of your course.
Classlist - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Persoonlijk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Click Add Participants.
  2. Click Add Existing Users.
Add Existing Users - Docenten instructie (NL) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Persoonlijk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Enter in the searchscreen:
    • dummy or;
    • abbreviation of your institute or;
    • 01_<abbreviation Instituut>(abbreviation-Department>)
  2. Click the magnifying glass.
Add Existing Users - Docenten instructie (NL) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Persoonlijk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Select the account
  2. Select the role DUMMY_STUDENT for the student shown and select a section if necessary
  3. Click Enroll Selected Users.
Confirmation of Enrollment - Docenten instructie (NL) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Persoonlijk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. It is indicated which users are registered and with which role
  2. Click Done on the next screen.

While a teacher can navigate to and view other courses after starting Imitate, other courses cannot be edited in content. Switching back and forth between teacher view and student view is only possible within your own course. If a teacher (accidentally) goes to another course after imitating and logs off there, he will automatically return to his own course.

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