Brightspace Docent

How do I copy the structure and content of a course to another course?

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It is possible to copy both the structure and the content (modules and activities) from one course to another. This way you can use the course you have built over the year for another year. It is also possible to copy a specific part from a course.

From now on the old and built course will be referred to as the source course, and the new and empty course will be referred to as the target course.

Copying of all the content from one course to another

The copying of parts such as Activities External Tools (such as Feedbackfruits)

The items/settings of the source course you do not copy

  • All items and settings that are specific for students (such as handed-in assignments, posts in discussion fora, achieved grades, display options, etc.).
  • Release conditions based on items specific for students (such as special access).
  • Release conditions linked to Awards.
  • Manually added events from the Calendar.
  • Learning objectives, branching and release conditions that have been linked to Surveys.

If you use Rubrics, they will be copied to the target course. If a rubric is attached to an Activity in the source course and you also copy the Activity, the link between the rubric and the Activity will continue to exist. However, the rubric statistics are not copied! The advice is therefore to rename the rubric in the target course.

The items/settings of the source course you copy with alterations

  • Group assignments that have been linked to the  groups in the source course will lose their link. You have to link these assignments to the new groups in the target course.
  • SCORM-objects will lose their link with a grade item. This has to be set up again.
  • Surveys with special settings (special access, release conditions) will lose their settings after they have been copied and these settings need to be set up again.
  • Intelligent agents are copied, but they will be deactivated after copying. You have to reactivate them for the target course.
  • External Learning Tools (like Weblectures, H5P, Pitch2Peer)

Om een gemakkelijk overzicht te krijgen van de onderdelen in je broncursus, kun je Datums beheren gebruiken. In dit overzicht kun je eenvoudig zien of je in de broncursus veel met data, restricties en andere functionaliteiten hebt gewerkt. Voor meer informatie over Datums beheren, lees je het artikel How ca I use manage Dates?

Copying of all the content from one course to another

  • Navigate to the target course to which you want to copy the items.
  • Navigate to Course Tools in the navbar of your course and click on Course Admin.
  • Click Import/Export/Copy Components.
  1. Select Copy Components from another Org Unit to copy components from the source course to the target course.
  2. Click Search for offering. A pop-up window will appear where you can search for the right course. Select the right source course and click Add Selected.
  3. Make sure the box for Include protected resources is selected.
  4. Click Copy All Components to copy all components from the source course to the target course. This way all content and almost all settings will be transferred correctly.

Wait until the bar has disappeared and a green check mark appears. This may take a while, depending on the size of the course.

When you try to copy a component to a course that already exists in the target course, you will receive a notification stating that the component already exists. This prevents the creation of duplicates.

When you only import content, the External Learning Tools will appear as a broken link. Use the workaround below to copy the right links.

  • Navigate to Course Tools in the navbar of your course.
  • Click Course Admin and click Import/Export/Copy Components.
  1. Select Copy Components from another Org Unit to copy parts from the source course to the target course.
  2. Click Search for offering. A pop up window will appear where you can search the course you want to copy the links from. Click Select Components.
  3. Tick the box which says Include secured sources.
  4. Click Select components.
  1. Select for example Content and then click Select individual items to copy and Include associated files.
  2. Select for example Assignments and then click Select individual items to copy.
  3. Click Continue.
  1. Select the topics you want to copy.
  2. Click Continue.
  1. Select the Assignments you want to copy.
  2. Click Continue.
  1. In the following window you will be asked to confirm the copy.
  2. This is also where you can edit components and move dates.
  3. Lastly, click Finish.

The copying will start and may take some time.

Check the most important components of the target course for errors.

  1. Navigate to Manage Dates to check and alter all restrictions and data at once. Read the article How do I use Manage Dates? to learn more.
  2. Navigate to Content>Table of Contents and check whether all content items are in the right place. Remove the undesired items, but never click Permanently Delete and remove all nested modules.../Permanently delete both the topic from Content... randomly because this does not only delete the content-item, but also the activities and/or files associated with it.
  3. Go to Activities>Assignments and check whether all desired assignments have been copied. Remove assignments that are abundant.
  4. Navigate to Administration>Grades and check whether all grade items have been copied correctly as well as whether they have been connected to the right grade schemes and activities.
  5. Go to Administration>Course Admin>Manage Files and check whether all desired files have been copied correctly. Remove abundant files.
  6. In case you used Surveys, navigate to Activities > Surveys and edit the surveys to check the settings.
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