Brightspace Docent

How can I experience my course as a student?

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During the process of designing your course, you can view and experience your course from the perspective of a student. This enables you to check if everything is working as it is supposed to and if you are satisfied with the layout of your course. To view the course from the perspective of a student, use View as Student. To actually experience the course as a student, you can use a dummystudent: a fictional student that you can add to your course. You can then let this dummystudent walk through your course.

  • Unlike regular students, future and inactive courses are shown when you view your course as a dummystudent. This way teachers can use dummystudents while building the course (which is often before the start date or while the course is inactive).
  • You cannot use the dummystudents for testing Notifications because a dummystudent has a noreply email address.
  • You cannot use dummystudents for testing Discussions and Chat.

Using a Dummystudent

Before you can use a dummystudent, it has to be added to your course first by a Key-user/ ICTO-coach. As soon as the dummystudent has been added to your course, you will see it in the course Classlist with "01_<INS abbreviation(-OPL abbreviation)>Dummystudent".

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  • Click on Classlist in the navbar of your course.
Classlist - Docenten instructie (NL) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Persoonlijk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Search for 'Dummy' in the search bar above the classlist.
  2. Click the magnifying glass.
  3. Click the fold-out arrow of the Dummystudent.
  4. Click Impersonate.

You will see the following notification:

Classlist - Docenten instructie (NL) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Persoonlijk - Microsoft​ Edge
  • Click Yes.

You are now 'logging in' as a Dummystudent.

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  • You will see you are impersonating a Dummystudent in the top-right corner of your screen.

You are now able to do everything a student can do, such as handing in assignments and enrolling in groups for instance. You can add the Dummystudent to groups and sections to test release conditions.

Stop using a Dummystudent

Assignments - Karen Vink Sandbox - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 8 andere pagina's - Persoonlijk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Click the name of the Dummystudent at the top-right corner of your screen.
  2. Click the 'X'.

Remove a Dummystudent

There is a limited number of Dummystudents available for each of the Institutes. This is why it is best to have the Dummystudent removed from your course as soon as you do not need it anymore by the Key-user/ ICTO-coach.

When you are logged in as a Dummystudent, you also have access to other courses the Dummystudent is enrolled in through the course selector. For that reason, Dummystudent accounts are enrolled and managed by Key-user/ ICTO-coach of the Institute.

Vorige Artikel How can students access my course?
Volgende Artikel How is a course created in Brightspace?