Brightspace Docent

How do I create Groups?

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The Groups tool enables you to split up the students enroled in your course into smaller groups. This allows you to let the students work on, for example, an assignment together or for administrative reasons. You can choose to divide everybody into groups or just a specific amount of students.

You can create Groups and Subgroups. Below follows the explanation of how to do so.

You can manage your groups with the Manage Groups tool.

Create Groups in Brightspace

  • Go to Course Tools in the navbar of your course.
  • Click Groups. This will open the ManageGroups page.
  • Click New Category.
  1. Give the category a name (for example Study group).
  2. Add a category description if needed. Only you will see it.
  3. Determine how the groups will be created with the help of the drop-down menu below Enrolment Type. You can choose to allocate students to groups yourself, automatically or give them the option to choose their own group (Self Enrolment). You can subsequently determine the total amount of groups (# of Groups) and/or the total amount of students per group (Groups of #). You can find descriptions of the seven possible group structures below. Depending on your preferences you can now indicate the amount of groups and/or the total amount of students per group.

Different Group Categories explained

You can create seven different types of group categories in Brightspace:

  1. # of Groups, no Auto Enrolment: n groups.
    This option allows you to determine the total amount of groups you want to create. You can fill in this number belowNumber of Groups. This option allows you to manually allocate students to groups.
  2. Groups of #: groups of a maximum of n students
    This option allows you to indicate the maximum amount of students per group. You can fill in this number below Number of Users. Brightspace will then automatically allocate students to groups.
  3. # of Groups: n groups.
    This option allows you to determine the total amount of groups you want to create. You can fill in this number below Number of Groups. Brightspace will then automatically allocate students to groups.
  4. Groups of # - Self Enrolment: groups of a maximum of n students
    This option allows you to indicate the maximum amount of students per group. You can fill in this number below Number of Users. Students are subsequently allowed to enrol themselves into the group of their choice.
  5. # of Groups - Self Enrolment: n groups.
    This option allows you to determine the total amount of groups you want to create. You can fill in this number below Number of Groups. Students are subsequently allowed to enrol themselves into the group of their choice.
  6. # of Groups, Capacity of # - Self Enrolment: n groups of a maximum of n students.
    This option allows you to determine the total amount of groups you want to create and the maximum amount of students per group. You can fill in the number of groups below Number of Groups and the total amount of students per group below Number of Users. Students are subsequently allowed to (un)enrol themselves into the group of their choice.
  7. Single user, member-specific groups: personal group per student.
    This option creates a single group per student. You can use this option if you want to work with blogs/journals. Students can subsequently write a blog in a personal and private discussion topic.

Options 2 and 3 allow you to change the following using Advanced Properties:

  • Auto-Enrol New Users: Brightspace automatically enrols all students that are participating in your course after the groups have been created. (Students will always be allocated to the group with the fewest amount of participants; this option will make sure that there are no groups without any participants.)
  • Randomise users in Groups: students are randomly allocated to a group. (Students are allocated to groups in alphabetical order when this option is not selected.)

Options 4, 5, and 6 allow you to change the following using Advanced Properties:

  • Set an end date (Expiry Date) for the self-enrolment period which means that students are not able to join and/or leave groups after said date. Fill in a date or select Now to stop self-enrolment immediately. When you add a date, students will be able to enrol until 23:59:59 on the date prior to the one entered.This means that when you enter the date 18-12-19, students will be able to enrol until 23:59:59 (or 11:59:59 pm) on 17-12-19. At midnight the registration will be closed.
  • Allocate unenroled users who did not enrol themselves in any group. This will happen automatically after the enrolment deadline has passed and will allocate students to a random group (group capacity might be ignored).

It is advised to communicate the start and end date clearly to your students in order to prevent miscommunications.

When you change the size of the groups afterwards, the group size changes for all groups within the category.

The maximum number of groups you can create for a category is 200. The exception is the Single-user, member-specific groups, they do not have a limitation.

The example above uses the fifth enrolment option: four groups that allow students to manually enrol themselves (#of Groups - Self Enrolment, Number of Groups: 4).With this fifth option you can go to Advanced Properties to choose a self enrolment deadline and add an automatic group allocation (for students who are not enroled when the deadline has passed).

  1. It is possible to add restrictions for who is able to enrol themselves for a certain group below Restrict Enrolments To. An example would be that only students who are enroled in one of the two lecture groups are allowed to enrol themselves for one of the tutorial groups. How this option works and in which specific cases this can be used is explained below the header creating subgroups in Brightspace.
  2. Fill in a group code or name below Group Prefix. This number and/or code will be shown in the Group Category menu before the number of the group (the example uses the prefix Werkc- which results in the following groups in the category Werkcollegegroepsoverzicht: Werkc-1, Werkc-2, Werkc-3 en Werkc-4). This code cannot be longer than 40 characters.
  3. Select Group options if you want to make categories and descriptions visible for group members.
  4. You can check one or more of the boxes below Additional Options to add the following:
  5. Click Save.If you have chosen one of the additional options, you will now go to the tool that enables you to create said options. You will now return to the Manage Groups page.

Brightspace will now create the groups in the background. You will receive a notification when all groups have been created.

Manage Groups

In Manage Groups you can:

  • View your group categories and groups.
  • Create new categories.
  • Edit categories and groups.
  • Check which students are enroled in what group.
  • Delete categories and groups.
  • Send an email to all the students in a specific group.
  • Click the fold-out arrow below View Categories to go to a specific category and see the groups it contains. In the example above, you will find the course which consists of n categories: Opdracht 1 groepen. This groupcategory exists of, as was determined when they were created, two groups: Klas1-1 and Klas 1-2. The groups already have a slightly different amount of members, a submission folder for assignments, a discussion topic, and a locker.
  • If you want to create another Group Category (for instance for a lecture or practical session) you can click on New Category and repeat the steps that are shown above.
  • The number behind the name of the category (Study Group) indicates the amount of groups that are currently in said category. The arrow behind the name of the category allows you to:
    • edit the category. You can use this function to add a discussion topic or locker when you have already created the category and did not add them initially (Edit Category).
    • add a group (Add Group).
    • add students to groups (Enrol Users). This option will open a pop-up window that enables you to enrol the students in the classlist in the groups in this specific category.
  • Click the number in the Members column to see which students are enroled in a group.
  • If you want to delete a group or send every member of a group an e-mail you simply check the box for a specific group and select either Delete or Email. Note that when you send a mail all the recipients mail addresses will be in the BCC field to ensure the privacy of the students.
  • You can change and/or description of a group by clicking on the name of said group.

If you have chosen an enrolment type without self or auto enrolment, then you will have to distribute the students among the groups manually.

Descriptions of individual groups are only visible for students, but only when a Self-enrollment Group is used.

Create subgroups in Brightspace

  • Go to Course Tools via the navbar of your cursus.
  • Click Groups.
  • Click New Category.
New Category - Chequita Bhoendie Sandbox - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Name the new Group Category.
  2. Choose an Enrolment Type and determine the accompanying Number of Users and/or Number of Groups (the example uses five self-enrolment groups each containing three students).
  3. The drop-down menu below Restrict Enrolment to enables you to choose the main group from which the students can be added to the subgroups (for example Class 1).
  4. Give the subgroup a Group Prefix (Class 1 -).
  5. Click Save.

Subgroups will be added as an independent category in the Group Categories overview. This means that you will have to open the drop-down menu View Categories to select them. For this reason it is important to give the groups in the subcategory a subgroup prefix that is clearly linked to its parent category (just like the prefix of the subgroup in the example, RBS Training-, clearly indicates that these groups are assignments groups within the parent group RBS Training).

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Volgende Artikel How do I use Groups?