Make deleted threads visible
Restore deleted publications
Retrieve deleted threads
Restore deleted topics
When you have accidentally deleted a discussion thread or topic, you can easily restore it in Brightspace. To do so, you first have make sure you can see deleted messages. As a teacher you are able to delete all posts and threads (students can only delete their own threads, and only if no one has responded to it yet).
Make deleted threads visible
Before you can retrieve a deleted post (thread) you first have to make it visible.
- Navigate to Course Tools in the navbar of your course.
- Click Discussions.
![Discussions List - Sandbox van TestDocent01 en nog 10 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft Edge](
- Click Settings in the top right corner.
![Discussions Settings - Sandbox van TestDocent01 - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 10 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft Edge](
- Select the box for Display deleted posts.
- Click Save to save your settings.
Restore deleted publications
- Click on the desired topic on the Discussions homepage.
- Click a thread.
![Bejaarde ouders zouden zoveel mogelijk bij hun kinderen in huis moeten gaan wonen - Sandbox van TestDocent01 en nog 10 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft Edge](
You can find the deleted publications at the bottom of the list of the topic.
You can:
- View the history of the thread:
- Click the arrow next to the publication and then click View Post History. You can now see who deleted the publication. You can also click Restore Publication to restore the publication;
- Restore the publication by clicking Restore Publication. Select Also restore any replies to this publication to restore the reactions within the publication (apart from the first message) and click Yes;
- View the deleted publication without restoring it and by clicking on Show deleted publication.
Retrieve deleted threads
- Click on the desired topic on the Discussions homepage.
![Maatschappijleer - Sandbox van TestDocent01 en nog 10 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft Edge](
- You can:
- view the history of the thread:
- Click the arrow next to the thread and then click View Post History. You can now see who deleted the thread. You can also click Restore Thread to restore the thread;
- restore the thread by clicking Restore Thread. Select Also restore any replies to this thread to restore the reactions within the thread (apart from the first message) and click Yes;
- view the deleted thread without restoring it and by clicking on Show deleted thread.
Restore deleted topics
- Navigate to Course Tools in the navbar of your course.
- Click Discussions..
![Discussions List - Sandbox van TestDocent01 en nog 10 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft Edge](
- Click More Actions
- Click Restore.
![Restore Forums and Topics - Sandbox van TestDocent01 en nog 10 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft Edge](
- Search for the topic you wish to restore in the list and then click Restore. Confirm by clicking Yes.
The deleted topic will now reappear between the other existing topics, including all threads that existed in the topic before it was deleted.