Assignments is used to publish and grade assignments easily.
- Click on Assignments in the navigation bar. You end up on the Assignments homepage. Here you can view all assignments you have created.
Assignments homepage

- The buttons at the top of the page allow you to perform different actions:
- Click on New Assignment to create a new assignment.
- Click on Edit Categories to edit your categories, or to create new assignment categories.
- Click on More Actions for more options.
- Use Bulkwise Edit if you want to edit the name, category, accessibility and deadline for multiple assignments at the same time. Select the desired assignments and click on Bulk Edit. Change the desired settings and click Save.
- The table shows you a number of columns:
- Under Assignments you see a list with all assignments per category.
- Under New Submissions you will find the submitted assignments that have not yet been graded. By clicking on the number in the column, you will get to see the assignments that still have to be graded.
- Under Completed you see how many students have handed in the assignment.
- Under Evaluated you see how many students you (or one of the other teachers/graders) have graded already.
- Under Published Feedback you see of how many submitted assignments you (or one of the other teachers/graders) have published the rating.
- Under Due Date you see the deadline for the assignment (if you have set one).
- You can find an arrow and one or more symbols behind the name of the assignment:
- Click on the arrow behind an assignment to open the quick menu.
- The symbols depend on the choices you have made by creating the assignment. Move your mouse over the symbols for more information about their meaning. In the picture above, you can see all possible icons in the framework (from left to right):
- Eye-icon: the assignment is visible for students.
- Organogram-icon: this item contains release conditions.
- Group-icon: it is a group assignment.
- Key-icon: there are students with special access for this assignment.
- Rosette-icon: there is a score item linked to this assignment.
- You will see two symbols behind the names of the categories:
- With the pencil you can change the name of the category.
- With the trash can you can delete the entire category; the category will also be deleted from the category list. The assignments in this category will automatically be moved to No category.
Assignments quick menu

- Click the arrow behind the name of the assignment to open the quick menu.
- Click View Submissions to view the submitted files for this assignment.
- Click Assignment to edit the settings of the assignment.
- Click Make visible to users/hide from users to make the assignment visible/invisible for students. After having submitted their work, they cannot submit it again. Note: Each assignment you create will automatically be hidden, unless you have turned this off at Restrictions. At Restrictions you can also set the assignment to automatically become visible at a certain date.
- Click Delete Assignment to delete the assignment. You can restore assignments with the Event Log (From the More Actions menu).
- Click Copy Assignment to copy the assignment. Grade items, submitted files and will not be copied. When you copy an Assignment, you will directly be transported to the edit screen of the copied assignment. This assignment will automatically be Hidden for students, so you have to make it visible first.
- Click Event Log to see when a student has handed in his/her work.
More Actions menu

- Click More Actions to open the menu.
- Click Preview to see what is displayed to students when they open the page.
- Click Reorder to re-arrange the order of the assignments.
- Click Event Log to view the event log. This will display when you have:
- created an assignment (Created);
- deleted an assignment (Deleted);
- restored an assignment (Restored).
- Click Make Visible to Users to make the selected assignments visible to students.
- Click Hide from Users to hide the selected assignments from students.
- Click Delete to delete the selected assignments.
Submission Log
There are two ways to navigate to the Submission Log:
- From the Assignments homepage, click the arrow next to the assignment you would like to view, and select Submission Log.
- From the Assignments homepage, click the name of the assignment you would like to view. Click Submission Log in the task bar.

The Submission Log will keep track of each file in an assignment, and logs:
- which student it concerns (Submission);
- the events surrounding the assignment (Event);
- by whom the assignment was submitted, restored or deleted (Modified by);
- when the assignment was submitted, restored or deleted (Date);
Filter the results by clicking:
- Submitted: only show submitted files
- Deleted: only show the deleted files
- Restored: only show the restored files (first deleted and then restored).
- Started: show the start times of all uploades.
If you do not select any of the filter options, you will see all files in this assignment.
If you accidentally deleted an assignment, you can restore it directly by clicking Restore.