Brightspace Docent

Examples for structuring your course

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Are you in the process of structuring your course and are you curious about how others have structured their courses? Below you can find three examples:

  • A course structure based on theme/subject (topics).
  • A course structure based on weeks.
  • A course structure based on the type of content (literature, assignments, quizzes etcetera).
  • A course structure based on profession.

Demo courses can also be found in Brightspace. You can find more information about this on the following page: Overview of demo courses (only accessible with an HR account). A roadmap has also been developed in which tips and inspiration can be found about the transition to Brightspace. See: Roadmap home page. (only accessible with HR account).

Structure based on theme or subject

Thema 3 - Karen Vink Sandbox en nog 5 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge

Structure based on weeks

Welkom: introductie - Project 1: Web development en nog 5 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge

Structure based on course content

Welkom: introductie - Project 1: Web development en nog 5 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge

Structure based on profession.

Introduction - Karen Vink Sandbox en nog 5 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
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