Brightspace Docent

How do I use Grades in my course?

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Important: final and partial course grades must always be processed in OSIRIS.

There are many different ways to carry out evaluations within Brightspace, and you have the opportunity to customise a lot of settings to your liking. With Grades you can: 

  • assess course components quickly and easily.
  • calculate results precisely and automatically. 
  • keep a clear overview of students grades in the grade book.
  • communicate results to students in a controlled manner. 

You decide:

  • which evaluation model you use to calculate grades.
  • the way you want to evaluate different components of your course.
  • which course components do/do not count for the final course grade. 
  • the way in which unevaluated course components count for the final course grade.
  • the way that Grades are displayed.
  • the information visible to the students.
  • when students are able to see their course grades. 

Below a recommended workflow is presented for setting up Grades for your course:

  1. Decide what you want to evaluate (and grade). 
  2. Determine how many tests you want to give (these include assignments, quizzes etc.)
  3. Determine the weight of these tests in relation to the end grade.
  4. Configure your grade book with the Grades Setup Wizard
  5. Set up grade categories in the grade book: files that enable you to group together similar grade items (for example to add up three assignments to a final assignment grade that in turn determines 50% of the final course grade). 
  6. Fill the grade categories with grade items. (for example: three assignments in the category Assignments). 
  7. Create tests in Brightspace (for example: assignments or quizzes). 
  8. Attach the grade items to the tests. 
  9. Check (and edit) your grade book.
Vorige Artikel How do I create a grade item?
Volgende Artikel How do I use the grade book?