Brightspace Docent

What is the HTML-Editor?

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With the Brightspace HTML editor you can add different types of content to your course, such as:

  • text and graphics
  • video and audio files
  • quick links and urls
  • formulas
  • HTML codes

The Brightspace HTML editor resembles a text window with a bar of formatting options. You can find the editor in various activities, such as Assignments, Tests, Discussions, and Surveys. You use the HTML editor in here to add instructions or a description to the activity, for example. In Content you can also add a text or file to a (sub)module with the HTML editor.

  1. Go to Content in the navbar of the course
  2. Click on the unit/module where you want to add content
  3. Click 'Create New'
  • Click on 'HTML Document'
  1. Give the HTML document a Name and, if desired, a Due date
  2. Outcomes, gives you the option to link study outcomes directly from this screen when creating a course.
  3. If desired, select a Template.
  4. Click on the three dots so that all functions of the editor become visible. You can make the editor full-screen with the extend icon.
  5. In the top bar you can (from left to right), the first part of the bar allows you to:
    • Choose whether you want to type paragraph text, different types of headings, or a quote;
    • Choose between bold, italic, or underlined text;
    • Choose the color of a text;
    • Choose the alignment of a text; 
    • Create lists. 
    • Add content: With this function you can add web links, files and videos, among other things.
    • Insert QuickLink: Here you can add links to parts of the course, such as assignments, checklists and discussions. You can also add external links.
    • Insert Image: Here you can add images from your computer, the Internet, or uploaded images within the course.
    • The plus sign gives access to the following items
    • Equation (sigma icon): This tool allows you to type mathematical formulas. You can also type LaTeX code here.
    • Table icon: Allows you to create tables.
    • And other formatting tools: Attributes, Divider, Emoji and Symbols and Insert Code.
  6. In the bottom bar you can (from left to right):
    • choose the font and font size
    • Paint Formatting: This feature allows you to copy the current formatting you have set for selected text (for example font size, typeface, bold or italics) and apply it to other parts of the text.
    • Accessibility check: Check whether there are any restrictions in your text that, for example, limit visually impaired people from reading the text.
    • Number of words: Here you can view the number of words, characters and paragraphs of your text.
    • Preview: Preview of the text.
    • Source code: Here you can view the source code of your file.
    • Undo and Redo: Undo or redo changes.
  7. When you select text or image, a shortcut menu with options appears.
  8. Decide whether you want this document to be immediately visible to students or not
  9. Click Save and Close to publish the content and close the editor.
  • If you copy a text from Word to the Editor, the formatting (layout) of the text will not be transferred (e.g. font, font size, text color, etc.). However, the structure for headings, bullet points and tables will be copied.
  • The editor is almost the same everywhere in Brightspace, except for when you click on Create a File while in Content where you will have the additional option to Select a Document Template. You can insert a template here to automatically design and format the new topic/file. You can choose one of the fixed Brightspace templates for this, but you can also choose a file that you have previously created in Brightspace. Templates make it easier to reuse created/structured content that you need to repeatedly use in a course, in different (sub)modules. That way you only have to edit and format the content once.

Do you want to know how you add formatted text, an image, audio or video files, (quick)links or a formula to the HTML editor? Please read the following articles:

Vorige Artikel How do I enroll a Dummy student in a course?
Volgende Artikel What are the text options in the HTML editor?