Brightspace Docent

4. Frequently asked questions about giving feedback in the ePortfolio

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Can a teacher change a rubric that is already in use?

If a teacher wants to modify a rubric that has already been used (filled in), the following message will follow: Rubric has assessment and can not be edited or deleted.

The teacher can make a copy of the used rubric, make adjustments and then save the rubric with a new name. This copy can then be attached to an assignment.


To make a copy of a rubric:

  1. Go to Course Tools.
  2. Click Course Admin.
  3. Click Rubrics.
  4. Click the arrow next to the rubric.
  5. Select Copy.


Rubrics - Chequita Bhoendie Sandbox - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 5 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Click the arrow next to the rubric to open the menu.
  2. Choose Copy.

If a rubric is used for the assessment of a submission for a course assessment, it cannot be altered either.

Can you push rubrics?

No. a teacher can only push items from their ePortfolio (files, presentations, collections etc). A rubric is created in Brightspace itself and can be attached to documents. It is not a separate document and cannot be pushed as one.

If an item with a rubric attached to it is pushed, the rubric is also pushed.

If a student adds a submission on which they have received feedback to the ePortfolio, it is not visible who gave the feedback, is that correct?

Yes, this is correct.

When students view their received feedback on a submission in the course, it is not visible who provided the feedback. When the submission plud feedback is sent to the portfolio through Add to ePortfolio the name of the feedback provider will also be not visible.

Can students make a submission as a group, but send the feedback individually to their portfolio?

Yes, if a student submits a group assignment, the entire group can individually add the feedback to their ePortfolio.


Vorige Artikel 3. Frequently asked questions about building an ePortfolio
Volgende Artikel 5. Frequently asked questions about using ePortfolio presentations