Brightspace Docent

How can I set up what students see when they submit a quiz (Quiz Submission Views)?

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Submission views

When students hand in a quiz, they get the following standard message: Your quiz has been submitted successfully. You can alter this message and indicate which quiz information you wish to make (un)available for students (for example: are they able to see which questions were answered correctly, can they see their own score or also the class average etc).

  • Navigate to Course Tools in the navbar of your course.
  • Click Quizzes.
  • Click the desired quiz.
Edit Quiz - Example quiz - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Click Submission Views (the fifth tab).
  2. Click Default View to see and alter the default setting:
  3. You will see that the default view is visible directly (Date: immediately) and that there are no questions or statistics visible for students.
  4. Click Add Additional View to create a completely new display. You can set up for each quiz whether you want to use the default view or another display you have created yourself.

Default view

When you create a new quiz, the student display will automatically be set up with the Default View.Thus it is useful to set up the default view in a way that allows you to use it for most quizzes.

Add View - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  • The default message is already filled out under Message.You can change this if desired. 
Add View - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge

Use View to select which information you want to show to students:

  • Select Yes to show the quiz questions. Then specify what the students get to see:
    • Select Show questions answered incorrectly if they can only see the questions they answered incorrectly.
    • Select Show questions answered correctly if they can only see the questions they answered correctly.
    • Select Show all questions without user responses if they can only see the questions and not their answers.
    • Select Show all questions with user responses if they can see both the questions and their answers.
    • Select Show question answers if they can see the correct answers for the visible questions.
    • Select Show question score and out of score if they can see the achieved score for each question as well as how many points they have scored out of the total amount.
  • Select No if you do not want students to see the quiz questions.
Add View - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Select Show attempt score and overall attempt score if students are allowed to see how they scored on a quiz.
  2. Select Show class average if students are allowed to see the class average.
  3. Select Show score distribution if students are allowed to see how other students did for each question.
  4. Click Save to save the settings.

Questions that need to be assessed manually (like open questions) automatically receive a score of zero in Brightspace. When you use written response questions in a quiz, it is advised to leave Show question score and out of score and Show attempt score and overall attempt score unchecked.If you do select these options, the student will get a distorted image of their score.

Additional views

Create an additional student view for a quiz, for example when you want to show students different data than usual for a specific quiz. You can also add restrictions for the IP-address, time and date and the minimum/maximum score. When you want to add restrictions to a view, you can also use an additional view.

Add View - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Give the view a title.
  2. Add a message if desired.

You can also add a link to the message that direct the student to another component in Content or Activities so that students will know what they have to do after the quiz is finished.

Add View - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge

Add restrictions if desired:

  1. Use Date to choose the date and time from when the message should be visible. Students will not see the message directly when they hand the quiz in, but after the specified date and time. This means that you have to enter a date and time that are after the end date of the quiz!
  2. Select IP Restriction (IPv4) to limit the visibility of the message to the IP-addresses that also have access to the accompanying quiz. Note that if you want to use this function you have to set up an IP-restriction when setting up the quiz.
  3. Select Limited Duration if you want the message to be visible for a specific time only after the student has handed in the quiz. The time has to specified in minutes.

Entering a date can be useful if you want to display the answers, but also want to prevent faster students from giving answers to slower students.

Add View - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  • View Details will give you the same options that you would have when you are changing the default view.
  • Click Save to save the settings.

Set up submission view

If you have created one or multiple student views apart from the default view, you can choose which view you want to use for each individual quiz.

Edit Quiz - Example quiz - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge

You will see an overview of the additional views you have created on the Submission Views tab.

  1. If you want to use one of these views instead of the default view, select the desired view.
  2. Click Save and Close.

It depends on the settings of the quiz when students are able to see the submission view. If you select the option in the submission view that says that students can see their score for the questions and the attempt, the view will only be visible after it has been assessed. When you have set up that Brightspace automatically assigns the quiz, students will directly see the view. However, if you have set up that you yourself will assess the quiz, students will only see the view after you have published the assessment. If you do not check the box that allows students to see their score, they will see the view either directly after handing in the quiz or on the date you have set up.


If you want to see what the view looks like for students, you can preview your quiz.

  • Navigate to Course Tools in the navbar of your course.
  • Click Quizzes.You will navigate to Manage Quizzes.
Manage Quizzes - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Click on the fold-out arrow next to the quiz you want to preview.
  2. Click Preview.
Preview Quiz - Role in Brightspace - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. You will see an overview of the quiz (students will also see this) below Quiz Details.
  2. Select Bypass Restrictions to bypass any restrictions you might have set up for students.
  3. Use Exit Preview to return to Manage Quizzes.
  4. Click Start Quiz! to start the quiz in the preview and do the quiz. When you are finished, click Submit Quiz.
Quizzes - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Select Allow this preview attempt to be graded in the Grade Quiz area if you want the attempt in the preview to be assessed. Note that scores for attempts made in preview mode will not be included when the quiz statistics are calculated.
  2. Click Submit Quiz.
Quizzes - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge

In the example above an additional submission view has been set up, which allows students to see the answers and the achieved score directly after handing in an attempt.

  • Click Done.

You will be directed to an overview page with all quiz attempts and possible quiz statistics (in the example above students do not see quiz statistics). When you click an attempt, you will once again see the established submission view for each question.

Quiz Submissions - Example quiz - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 6 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  • Click Exit Preview to return to Manage Quizzes.
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