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How do I use the Classlist?

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View classlist

  • Navigate to Classlist in the navbar of your course.
Classlist - Sandbox van TestDocent01 - Hogeschool Rotterdam - Google Chrome
  1. Below View By you can choose between User or Groups/Sections. Do you have Groups/Sections? Then first select the group/section you want to view and then click Apply.
  2. You can search for specific students / teachers by typing the person's name in the search bar (Search For).
  3. You will see an overview of all students and teachers (including assessors) in the course. If you see a green dot next to a person's name, they are online.
  4. You can see the role of the person beneath Role.
  5. Below the table you will see how many participants are currently in the course. The All tab will show you the total number of participants for this course.
  6. You can also flag persons. You do this by clicking the flag icon next to the picture of the person. You can flag someone if you want to find them easily.

You can search for specific students / teachers by typing the person's name in the search bar (Search For). Click on Show Search Options to do a more specific search.

Classlist - Sandbox van TestDocent01 - Hogeschool Rotterdam - Google Chrome
  1. Search in: Select if you are searching by first name, last name and/or username.
  2. Search Type: You can either search for an exact match, a name that contains the search term, or a name that starts with the search term.
  3. Role: Search by role.
  4. Flagged: Search for flagged/unflagged persons.
  5. Online Status: Search for users that are online/offline.
  6. Active Status: Search for users that are set on active/inactive.
  7. Lastly viewed: Indicate from what period you want to view who visited the course.

Overview course enrolments

Classlist - Sandbox van TestDocent01 - Hogeschool Rotterdam - Google Chrome
  • Click Enrolment Statistics for an overview of enrolments and un-enrolments. 
Enrollment Statistics - Sandbox van TestDocent01 - Hogeschool Rotterdam - Google Chrome
  • The overview shows all possible roles and how many people with a certain role are in your course. For example, you see how many students are enroled (Enrolments) and how many students have withdrawn and when (Withdrawals). You can still e-mail people who have un-enroled.

Send an e-mail to the classlist

Click E-mail to classlist to send an e-mail to everybody or to a group/section.

Classlist - Sandbox van TestDocent01 - Hogeschool Rotterdam - Google Chrome
Email Classlist - Sandbox van TestDocent01 - Hogeschool Rotterdam - Google Chrome
  1. Select next to View by User or group/section. Click, if you have changed anything, on Apply.
  2. Click Send Email. A new window will pop up.
Compose New Message - Sandbox van TestDocent01 - Google Chrome
  1. All e-mailadresses are put in BCC.
  2. Edit the Subject.
  3. Typ the message.
  4. You can add attachments.
  5. And edit the priority (low, standard, high).
  6. Click Send.
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Volgende Artikel How do I send an e-mail from the Classlist?