Brightspace Docent

How do I manage my notifications?

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Notifications are the email notifications you receive with updates on a course. You can select which courses, and the particular course components you to receive notifications by e-mail, and you can also switch them on and off.

Students can also choose whether they want to receive notifications by email. Teachers have no influence on this. It is a personal setting within the student's Brightspace account.

We recommend informing your students about this setting if you regularly use Announcements (Aankondigingen)to communicate with students.

  1. Click on your name or your initials/profile photo in the minibar.
  2. Click 'Notifications'.
  1. Under Contact Methods, enter the e-mail address at which you want to receive notifications (so you do not change your e-mail address in the system). Brightspace automatically uses your Hogeschool Rotterdam email address, because it is linked to your Brightspace account.
  2. Under Summary of Activity, select whether you want to receive a summary of the notifications from all courses on a Daily, Weekly (or even Never) basis. You can also set a time you which to receive the summary. If you do not set a time, you will receive the e-mail automatically at 0:00.
  3. Under Instant notifications, you can tick which activities you want to receive notifications from. This applies to all courses unless you exclude courses under Exclude Certain Courses.
  1. Under Customize Notifications, check whether you want to receive grades from scores, and whether you want to receive notifications of future courses.
  2. Under Exclude Some Courses, select which courses you don't want to receive notifications for. Click on 'Manage my course exclusions' and click on the cross next to the name of the course(s) from which you do not want to receive notifications. Click Exclude all courses to not receive notifications from any course (also useful if you have many courses and only want to receive notifications from one or a few courses). If you previously turned off a course's notifications and now want to turn them back on, find the name of the course and click the restart notifications icon. Click 'Restore Excluded Courses' to reactivate notifications for all courses.

You can set the notifications yourself and make many of the changes and updates. The reason you have the option to set notifications for everything is because students have the same notification options (the same ones as teachers). These reports are probably more relevant to them than to you as a teacher.

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