Brightspace Docent

How do I look up a source document in Turnitin's Similarity Report?

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1. Click anywhere on the block with 'Hogeschool Rotterdam' or on the down arrow

2. The source text is shown. Click on the icon with the 'i' for detailed information about this document.

Note: Incomplete source information may be displayed for source documents from Cumlaude. The explanation for this is as follows: for Brightspace we use Originality Check, integrated into the submission assignments. For Cumlaude this was Similarity (better known as SimCheck). Both are Turnitin applications, but each has its own database. These databases are also hosted in different places. Our problems with identifying the original source arise from this situation, where looking up the source within the same database works, but as soon as we find a match from Brightspace with work submitted in Cumlaude, you cannot clearly see what the source is.

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