Brightspace Docent

Which sorts of items are there in the ePortfolio and how can they be used?

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Different types of items can be added to the ePortfolio: Reflections, Links, Files, Web Documents, Form Responses and Course Results. The different items are described below.

  • Navigate to Course Tools in the navbar of your course and click ePortfolio.
My Items - Aan de slag met een portfolio binnen je opleiding en nog 6 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Click My Items.
  2. Click Add. Make a choice for the type of item to be added.


With the option Reflections you make a small note (not an extensive reflection document). It is useful for short comments or quick thoughts.

You can create a reflection separately as an independent document and then possibly link it to another item. You can also create a reflection about another item, then it is immediately linked to that item.

With the Link option you can create a shortcut (link) to a website. A click on the link opens the website in a new window.

File Upload

With the File Upload option you can upload various files from your computer to the ePortfolio. For example Word and Excel documents, PDFs and images, but also Zip files and folders.


Web Document

With the Web Document option you can create an HTML page. A click on a web document item in the ePortfolio opens a new window with the created web page.

Form Response

A teacher can create aformin a course, but this function is not used very often. A form can be filled in in the ePortfolio and added as Form Response.

Course Results

With the Course Results option you can import submitted assignments, rubrics and grades to your ePortfolio. The student can select the relevant course and import the results of assignments and quizzes from this course.

Vorige Artikel How do I navigate through myePortfolio?
Volgende Artikel How do I upload an item to my ePortfolio?