Brightspace Docent

How do I personalise messages with replace strings?

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Replace strings are display variables with corresponding values that allow you to easily personalize standardized messages.

You can use replace strings in all tools that use the HTML editor: in your text you enter the replace string between braces ({...}) and the reader of your message will then see the value associated with it. For example, if you start an Announcement to students with Dear {FirstName}, they will see their own first name in the salutation.

Replacing strings does not work if you want to send an email via the Groups list or via Groups

Replace strings (not for Content)

You can use the replace strings below for any tool, except Content. You can use these 'replace strings' in the description of a topic. Furthermore, the replace strings below work well for Announcements, for example.

Replace string Description Example

{UserName} student number of personnel code 123456

{OrgDefinedID} ID of the user
[email protected]

{FirstName} First name of the user Jane

{LastName} Last name of the user Doe

{Email} Email address of the user  [email protected]

Role {RoleName}
Role of the user at that location in Brightspace Student

Replace strings for Intelligent Agents

You mainly use the replace strings below for Intelligent Agents:

To use for
Replace String Description Example
Address bar
{InitiatingUser} Email address of the user that meets the intelligent agent's criteria
[email protected]
Contents {OrgName}
The university's name
Hogeschool Rotterdam
Contents {OrgUnitCode}
Course code
Name of the course in Brightspace
Practical orientation
Subject of the email and content
ID number course in Brightspace
First name of the user who meets the intelligent agent's criteria
Last name of the user who meets the intelligent agent's criteria
Name of the user who meets the intelligent agent's criteria
ID number of the user who meets the criteria of the intelligent agent
[email protected]
Subject of the email and content
Date when the user who meets the intelligent agent's criteria was last in the course
January 1, 2022
Subject of the email and content {LastLoginDate}
Date when the user who meets the criteria of the intelligent agent last logged in to Brightspace
January 1, 2022

Replace strings for content

You can use the following replace strings in Content:

Sort Replace string Description Example
Organization level
{OrgId} Applied University ID number

{OrgName} Name of the applied University
Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
Organizational part
(Org Unit)
ID number course

Course name
Getting started

Code course

Path to the Manage Files of the course
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