Brightspace Docent

How do I use Tasks in the Calendar?

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With Tasks you can create and add personal task lists (tasks for yourself) to your Calendar.

  • Go to the Calendar via your personal homepage or navigate to Course Tools and select Calendar from the drop-down list.

You can easily share (and incorporate) the tasks in your Brightspace Calendar to an external calendar, such as your Google or Outlook Calendar. For this see the manual: How do I share or print the Calendar?

Create tasks

Calendar Month View - Sandbox van TestDocent01 - Google Chrome
  • Click Add a task to add a task and enter the data.
  • Click Enter or click any place on your screen. The task has now been added.
  • Repeat these steps for each task you would like to add.
Calendar Month View - Sandbox van TestDocent01 - Google Chrome

Edit tasks

You can edit a task and provide it with a due date and/or note if you want to. After setting the due dates, Brightspace will automatically order the tasks by priority in your task list.

  • Click the task. You can re-name the task if you want to.
  • Click No due date to set the final deadline of the task. Enter the date and click on the save icon.
  • Click Add a add notes.
  • Click the trash can icon to delete a task.
  • Tick a task to mark it as done (completed).
Calendar Month View - Sandbox van TestDocent01 - Google Chrome
  • You should now be able to see the tasks in your task list ordered by priority (which is based on the due dates you have set).
  • The number behind Today, Upcoming and Someday indicates the amount of accompanying tasks. The total amount of tasks you can see by the number next to Tasks.
  • By ticking a task, you can mark it completed and the task will disappear from the overview.
  1. Today: tasks with today or tomorrow as their due date.
    Click Add an immediate task to create a task that is due for tomorrow.
  2. Upcoming: tasks with a due date that is not today or tomorrow but any day after that.
    Click Add an upcoming task to create a task with a due date of at least three days later (you can edit the due date later on if you want to).
  3. Someday: tasks that do not have a due date.
    Click Add a task to create a task without setting a due date (you can add a due date later on if you want to).
Calendar Month View - Sandbox van TestDocent01 - Google Chrome

To mark all tasks completed at the same time, click the fold-out arrow behind Tasks and then Set all Completed. Brightspace will ask for your confirmation before it will change the status of all your tasks to completed.

You can also Delete your tasks in this menu. In a pop-up screen you can choose to:

  • only delete tasks that are in progress (In progress tasks only);
  • only delete completed tasks (Completed tasks only)
  • delete all tasks (All tasks).

Tick the option that you prefer and click Delete.

Via Subscribe you can easily transfer the tasks in your Brightspace Calendar into an external calendar, such as a Google or Outlook Calendar. Read about this option in the manual How do I share or print the Calendar?

Vorige Artikel How do I share or print the Calendar?
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