Brightspace Docent

How do I set restrictions for a quiz?)

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With the Restrictions tab you can decide:

  • whether a quiz is displayed to students and/or has a deadline (status, deadline and availability);
  • whether there are release conditions attached to the quiz; 
  • whether the quiz has a time limit (restrictions);
  • whether students need to enter a password before they can start on the quiz and/or can only do the quiz when they are working from a certain IP-address;
  • if there is a time frame in which the students need to complete the quiz;
  • if you want to allow (certain) students to get special access to the quiz (for example extra time for a student with a visual disability).
  • Go to Course Tools in the navbar of your course.
  • Click Quizzes. You will land on the quiz homepage.
  • Click the arrow next to the title of the quiz you want to edit. 
  • Click Edit.
  • Go to Restrictions (second tab).

Basic settings

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  1. Tick Hide from Users if you want the quiz to be invisible for students. If you don't tick the checkbox, the quiz will be accessible for students when you save it.
  2. Tick Due Date to set a deadline and specify the date and time:
    • The quiz remains visible and accessible after the due date has passed.
    • With the intelligent agent you can send a notification to the students about a due date that is coming up. 
    • The quiz will appear in the Calendar of your students.
  3. At Availability, set a start and/or end date if you only want to give students access to the quiz for a limited time. 
  4. Tick Display in Calendar if you want the specified date to appear in the calendar of both your students and yourself.  
  5. At Additional Release Conditions you can identify requirements that your students need to meet in order for the quiz to become available to them. A quiz can contain multiple release conditions (for example: student only get access to the quiz after having submitted assignment 1 and/or finishing the checklist of week 1 completely).
    • Click Attach Existing to add existing release conditions. 
    • Click Create and Attach to create and add new release conditions.
  6. Identify whether students need to meet one of the conditions (Any condition must be met) or all of them (All conditions must be met).

Advanced settings

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  1. At Optional Advanced Restrictions, click the fold-out arrow next to the quiz if you want to set up a password and/or IP-restriction. Only users that enter the correct password and/or permitted IP-address can get access to the quiz:
    • At Password fill in a password. 
    • Click Add new IP Range to identify which IP-addresses are permitted.  
  2. At Timing you can choose to set a time limit for the quiz and/or identify whether the quiz disappears after the time limit has passed. The Recommended Time Limit does not affect the termination of the quiz or the score. At Enforced Time Limit you can ensure the quiz will be terminated or that a late submission is automatically assessed with a score of zero:
    • Recommend: specify the time limit of the quiz (students will see this at the start of the quiz) and identify whether you want a clock to appear in the screen of your students. 
    • Enforced: specify the time limit of the quiz and identify a Grace Period if you want to (the amount of minutes after the time limit has passed in which students can still change their answers and can still submit their quiz without it being marked late). The Grace Period can be zero minutes or more. After the Grace Period has passed, all submission attempts that come after will be marked as late. You can also identify what the consequences are for submitting passed the time limit:  
      • Students can continue working on it.
      • Students can no longer make changes. 
      • Students can continue working but the attempt will automatically marked as zero after the deadline has passed.
  3. With Special Access you can determine whether there are participants with special access to the quiz.
  4. Double-check your settings and click Save and Close.

Date restriction and release conditions are automatically transferred when the quiz becomes available in Content. In Content, if you adjust the date restrictions and/or release conditions at an item of the type quiz (via Edit or in the item itself), these changes will also apply to the quiz. 

When you copy a quiz, Brightspace will also copy Special Access settings for students. Keep this in mind when a student does have special access for one test, but not for another. If this is the case, then you can reverse the steps in step 3 of the copied quiz.

Special Access

Special Access is a feature for Quizzes where you can grant the participants special access. Follow the steps at the top of this manual to create a new quiz until you reach the Special Access feature in this screen:

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  • Select Allow selected users special access to this quiz if you want all course particiants to be able to access the quiz, with only the Special Access participants getting different restrictions. Select Allow only users with special access to see the quiz if you only want students with Special Access to see and take the quiz. 
  • Click Add users to Special Access.
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  • Due Date: Use Due Date to determine whether a quiz has a different deadline for students with Special Access. Select Has Due Date and enter the date and time.
  • Availability: Use Availability if the quiz has a specific date and time for students with Special Access. Select this option if you want to make the quiz available and make it dissapearat set times. Enter the desire date and time.
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You have several options for Timing:

  • Select No changes if you do not want to give the students with Special Access a different time limit than the students without Special Access.
  • Select Recommended Time Limit if you want to give the students with Special Access a recommended time limit. This is not a hard deadline, but a guideline. Use the field to determine a guideline in minutes.
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  • Select Enforced Time Limit if you want to give the students with Special Access a time limit that is different from the time limit for students without Special Access.
    1. New Time Limit: Enter a new time limit in minutes for the students with Special Access.
    2. Multiplier of original quiz time: Enter a new time limit for students with Special Access by multiplying the orginial time limit, for example  times 1,5.
    3. Extra Time: Determine how much extra time students with Special Access get.
    4. Assign an alternative grace period: Determine the difference between the standard grace period and the grace period for Special Access students.
    5. Assign an alternative behaviour for exceeding the time limit, and: Determine what students with Special Access can and cannot do once the grace period is over.

With Multiplier of original quiz time you have to pay attention when you change the original time limit of the quiz. The multiplication does not automatically change when you change te time limit. You have to change this manually after you have changed the original time limit

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Use Attempts to choose alternative options for students with Special Access.

  1. Select Override attempts allowed if you want students with Special Access to have more or fewer attempts. Then use Attempts Allowed to enter the amount of attempts the students get.
  2. With Advanced Attempts Conditions you can determine whether students need to have achieved a minimum percentage on the previous attempt before they can take on a new attempt.
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Use Users to choose the students who will get Special Access.

  1. Select the students you want to give Special Access.
  2. Click Add Special Access.
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  • Click Save and Close to save the quiz.
Vorige Artikel How do I use Self Assessment?
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