Brightspace Docent

How can I use the Advanced assessment functionality?

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This article explains the (optional) Advanced Assessment functionality. This tool is still under development (by Brightspace's developer). When the tool is out of development and fully implemented, more detailed screensteps articles will be written. More detailed information can already be found in our supplier's manual. Click here for the link to the manual.

The use of the Advanced Assessment functionality is optional. When this functionality is not used, setting up assignments works the same as before.

  1. For an assignment, under "Evaluation and Feedback," you can indicate who the evaluators of the assignment are. The evaluators should have the instructor role in the course.
  1. It can be specified who can publish (make visible) the evaluation for the student.
  1. Under "Manage Allocations" under "Allocate Evaluators to Learners" the method can be chosen to link evaluators and students to each other. Evaluators and students can also be linked manually. In addition, it is possible to filter by groups and sections.
  2. You can choose between one shared assessment or multiple assessments. With a shared assessment, the evaluators work on one assessment and can also modify eachother's completed assessment. With separate assessments, individual assessments can be kept and only the merged assessment can be made visible to the student. When evaluators are working on separate assessments they can also see the assessment of the co-evaluators.
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