Brightspace Docent

How do I use ePortfolio Forms?

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With ePortfolio Forms you can create structured forms that students can  fill out. You can use ePortfolio Forms in situations where students need to store information at different times over a longer period of time. This repository ensures that students are able to look back on the entire lecture period for end products such as final reports, presentations or reflections. ePortfolio Forms is a functionality that you use in combination with the ePortfolio in Brightspace.

Create the form
Post the form in Content
Export and import the form to another Course
View forms of students

nb: Only users with an Administrator role can create ePortfolio Forms.

Create the form

  • Navigate to Course Tools in the navbar of your course.
Homepage - Teacher Instruction (EN) en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  • Click Course Admin.
Course Administration - Teacher Instruction (EN) en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  • Click Forms below website sources.

You will be taken to the Manage Form Templates home page, where you will find an overview of all your created forms.

Manage Form Templates - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  • Click New Form Template.
New Form Template - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. At Name you fill in the name of your form.
  2. Below Description you shortly describe what the form stands for.
  3. Check Current organizational unit to make the form available for the current course.
  4. Click Save.
Edit Form Template Contents - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Click on Add system field to select which information should be filled in automatically. A pop-up window opens. The possible options are:
    • First name: first name
    • Last name: last name
    • Org Defined ID: studentnumber
    • System e-mail: e-mailaddress as known in Brightspace
    • Image: image of the user
  2. Click Add custom field to add fields that the students must or can fill in.
Edit Form Template Contents - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Enter a question or instruction under Field name. NB: this name will also be displayed in the ePortfolio of the users, so make sure the names are recognizable.
  2. Check Make this a required field if this field is required.
  3. Open the drop-down menu under Data type to choose a data entry type. There are twelve options:
    • Drop-down list: Students can select from a predefined list.
    • List of radio buttons: as with the drop-down menu, students can select one choice from several options, which are displayed one below the other.
    • Checkbox List: Students select any number of options from a list of choices. Use this data type if more than one option may apply.
    • Text Input - Simple Text: Use this type to allow students to type text themselves.
    • Text Input - Formatted Text: Students can type text into a text box with formatting options such as font, size, and style.
    • Numeric Entry: Use this type to have students enter a number instead of text.
    • Date and time entry: Students select a date or time.
    • Information: Use this option to place additional information in the form. Students cannot edit this
    • Upload File: Use this option to allow students to upload a file.
    • Rubric Evaluation: Use this option to add an existing rubric. Students can complete this rubric.
    • Link to ePortfolio Item: Use this option to allow students to add a file from their ePortfolio.
    • Organization Unit: Students can select an Org Unit based on their enrollments. Check Default value for current Organizational Unit.
  4. After choosing a Data Type, you will see the options associated with this type. In the example, a question with a List of checkboxes has been chosen. Below you add the options for the checkboxes.
  5. Click Save. You arrive at the editing page of the form.

Within the form you can add Rubrics so that students can assess themselves. Make sure that you make the inserted rubric visible to students. See also the article How do I create a rubric?

Edit Form Template Contents - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Optionally, click Add section header to add a subheading or separator line in your form.
  2. Via Reorder Fields you can put the questions in the desired order and put the Header in the desired position.
  3. Click Preview form template to preview your form.

Post the form in Content

To place a Form in content, you can add it to a (sub)module in Content. This way students can easily find the form. After completing the form, students receive a notification that the response has been saved in the ePortfolio.  

Content tool - Teacher Instruction (EN) en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Navigate to Content in the navbar of your course.
  2. Navigate to the desired (sub)module.
  3. Click the three dots (...)
  4. Click Edit.
Edit Activity - Teacher Instruction (EN) en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Click Add Quicklink.
  2. Click Form Templates.
  3. Click the desired Form Template.
Edit Activity - Teacher Instruction (EN) en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Click the desired Form Template.
  2. Click Save and Exit.

It is also possible to have students fill in the same form repeatedly. By placing a form in different modules within content as described above, students can fill out a form multiple times. In this way, students can, for example, reflect on the answers they filled in at the beginning of the period and at the end of the period.

Export and import the form to another Course

Homepage - Teacher Instruction (EN) en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. Click Course Tools in the navbar of your course.
  2. Click Course Admin.
Course Administration - Teacher Instruction (EN) en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  • Click Forms.
Manage Form Templates - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  • Click the export icon to export the form.
Manage Form Templates - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  1. you can now download the form as a file by clicking the link.
  2. Click Ready.

Then navigate to the course where you want to place the form. In this course, navigate to the Forms page again as described above.

Manage Form Templates - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  • Click on this page on Import Form template.
Import Form Template - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  • Click Choose File (Bestand kiezen). The files on your computer will now be opened.
  • Select the exported form and click Open.
Import Form Template - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  • Click Next.
Import Form Template - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  • Click Import.
Import Form Template - Teacher Instruction (EN) - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  • Click Done.

The form has now been added and imported.

View forms of students

A completed form is not immediately visible to teachers. Students must share the form from the ePortfolio or submit it through Assignments. When you use Forms, we recommend creating one or more assignments in which students can submit the forms.

  • Navigate to Assignments in your course's navbar
  • Click on assignment where students can submit their forms.
Reflectie-opdracht 1 - Submissions - Brightspace (e)Portfolio - Hogeschool Rotterdam en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  • Click the form you want to see.
Assignment Evaluation - Test Docent01 - Reflectie-opdracht 1 en nog 4 andere pagina's - Werk - Microsoft​ Edge
  • Click Download.

The completed form will now open.

Vorige Artikel How do I set up notifications for my ePortfolio?
Volgende Artikel How do I import/export one or multiple items to/from my ePortfolio?