Brightspace Docent

How are students (un)enroled in courses and groups?

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Students are automatically enrolled to their Brightspace courses (Course Offerings) and corresponding groups (sections) based on their enrolment in OSIRIS. The real-time link between OSIRIS and Brightspace ensures that every change in OSIRIS is almost immediately noticeable in the Brightspace classlist, both for students and teachers.

If you want to read more about how a course (based on their Osiris link) is created in Brightspace, please read this article.

Enrolment for courses

Courses that are created via the OSIRIS link require students to (un)enroll exclusively through OSIRIS. When students enroll for a course in OSIRIS (or with the help from an OSIRIS admin at their faculty), they will be automatically enrolled in the corresponding course in Brightspace. Participation in specific groups or tests does not change their enrolment. The same goes for the unenrolment: these will be processed via OSIRIS with an automatic and almost direct effect on Brightspace.

When you have opted for not linking your course to Brightspace (by checking No for the box Course to LMS?), students that have enrolled via OSIRIS will not be enrolled in the course in Brightspace. If Yes is selected at any moment, the course will be automatically transferred to Brightspace. From then on student enrolments will always be transferred to Brightspace, also if you change your selection to No after you have selected Yes.


Enrolment for groups

Groups can be created in two different ways in Brightspace:

  1. Automatically, based on the groups in OSIRIS: students will be enrolled in groups in Brightspace based on their enrolment in the corresponding groups in OSIRIS. If a student chooses to enroll themselves for a different group in OSIRIS or decides to unenrol from the course entirely, this change will almost immediately and automatically be processed in Brightspace.

    If you have chosen for the option in OSIRIS where corresponding groups will not be transferred to Brightspace (by selecting No for the questionGroups to LMS?), the groups will not be automatically transferred from OSIRIS to Brightspace. If you decide to activate the OSIRIS link with Brightspace for groups at a later moment, the students that are enrolled in OSIRIS groups will automatically be placed in the newly created Brightspace course.

  2. Manually. Please read the manual Creating groups to learn how to create groups manually.
  • The preferred method to create groups is via OSIRIS because, while it is perfectly possible to create groups within Brightspace itself, the link between OSIRIS and Brightspace is a one-way street, meaning that any changes in Brightspace are not automatically transferred to OSIRIS. Changes made to a students enrolment in OSIRIS by either the student or a faculty support member will be automatically transferred to Brightspace and will bypass any manual changes to groups you might have previously made in Brightspace. This can result in undesired situations, for example a student who is enrolled in the wrong group or in two groups at once.
  • Do not alter the names of the groups created with OSIRIS in Brightspace. This will ruin the link. If you want to create your own groups, you can do so by creating a new group category that contains the OSIRIS groups.
  • Are the names of the OSIRIS groups unclear? You can add an explanation in the description of the OSIRIS group.
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